The day we saw the king
As part of my mini holiday I have been home for two days and much as I intended to get super fit in this time, I only managed to fit in two classes. Mind you, at tonight's class I did vomit a little in mouth ( from burpees) so I feel like I deserve a little extra credit for that. I did however spend a lot of time on both days earning some extra auntie Laura credits by minding two of my favourite ladies. The nieces or half the reason i respond to the title auntie Laura ( that and the fact that it makes me sound cool) One major bonus of this ( aside from giving my sister a bit of space to get some work done) is the hilarious conversations I get to be witness to. The girls are five and seven and very much prone to blurting out whatever's in their heads at a given moment. I think it's good to make note of these now because someday soon they will be a lot more grown up and I'm sure to have forgotten most if it. I do have a head like a sieve. We spent most of yeste...