Here's to my wobbly bits

I know it's the New Year and everyone is resolving to get themselves back in shape or just become a shape that's not round and I am not any different in that respect. I am not trying to be anything special really but I have failed badly at my quit sugar and lose my belly resolution. I lasted a whole day before going to town on chocolate and I cant say my moon face is giving me good feelings. I recently read something in a women's magazine, which are well known for their pandering to women's insecurities, saying that if you are hung up on your body image (and what woman isn't) then a good way to feel better about how your body looks is to spend a few moments looking at yourself in the mirror before getting into the shower. I am assuming the idea behind this is that it normalises your flaws or something like that. I did take the opportunity to try this myself because it certainly seemed easier than reining in my sugar binge. So upon stepping into the shower, I pau...