This is sober me
Here is a fact about me that makes a lot of people uncomfortable, I don't drink anymore. Now before you start thinking this is going to be a blog post about 'my recovery' or 'my journey', I should clear something up. I never really had an issue with drink and by that I mean I wasn't addicted to it, I did however have an issue with hangovers, lucky for me I don't anymore. Aside from the occasional bout of sleep deprivation (which feels quite similar) I am hangover free. I know I have mentioned this before but let me recap all the same. It was at the tender age of fourteen I first discovered the joys of alcohol and liked the buzz, the feeling of extra confidence and just being part of the crowd. For four blissful years I thought I was immune to hangovers. Once I reached eighteen I realised how foolish I had been to think that. From 18 through most of my twenties (thanks to going to college as a mature student, I continued to party like a much younger woman...