Choose your own adventure

So I'm coming up to my two year anniversary of joining the ranks of Singledom. I'd say I've used my time pretty wisely. Lots of adventuring, solo holidays and getting to know who I am outside of a relationship. I've had one teeny tiny blip. I've mentioned before that I've been doing the whole online dating thing. I haven't been going on nearly as many dates as I could because I refuse to cancel plans I've already made with myself and I've been fairly damn nonchalant about the possibility of meeting a potential partner from one of these dates. Anyway just over a month ago I agreed to a date with a guy I'd been chatting to. Now upon meeting him I liked him but I wouldn't have been 100% on our compatibility. Turns out he was sure enough for both of us and he was saying all the right things and I fell into the trap of enjoying coupley things. I was so sure it was going somewhere that I told my mum about it and closed my dating profile. Sp...