Raising bears and other stories
I used to be a regular blogger but some how when I fell down the worm hole that is social care work, my opportunities and desire to write have started to ebb away. It is not really that I have lost interest in writing because I haven't but the agency work I have been doing means long and unpredictable hours so my social life has fallen by the wayside plus when I do actually get out I am tired and cranky from working nights and the like so I generally don't have the brain power to put my experiences into words. Last night was one of my rare and fabled outings. I had been doing a lot of work outside Waterford and I got home from my day shift at around 8.30. I had already told my other half that I would be coming to the gig but by the time I got home all I wanted to do was lie down. As you might have guessed I did not succumb to these urges and instead threw on my glad rags and headed down to Central Hall with the promise of a couch and some good music. The main act playing w...