It's normal to be really really sensitive
As a child I often felt a bit weird because I was the kind of child who cried very easily over anything. In fact it was a thing in our house that other family members found to be quite amusing because it was unusual for a day to go by where something would not reduce me to tears and on those days I was teased about it so much that I would get upset about being teased and thus continue my streak of being a cry baby. Even now as an adult (or at least as someone doing a convincing impression of being an adult) I have a terrible propensity to take things personally and I have been known when given much criticism ( and not the particularly constructive kind) to find myself on the verge of tears and very easily tipped over into full on crying when someone says 'you're not going to cry, are you ?'. I always assumed that this and my other idiosyncrasies were just quirks of my personality or a by product of my upbringing. Then the other night I stumbled upon an article on Highly...