The Belgian Chronicles
After much waiting, stressing and a whole lot of working my holidays finally came around. On Sunday night I got home from work around 10 and began preparing to leave for our airport bus a few hours later. For future notice I will remember that my holiday will be a lot more enjoyable if I actually manage to get some sleep beforehand or at least if I am not packing between my many shifts at work. As I mentioned before this was not my first trip to Belgium, my boyfriend had also been before but both under different circumstances. Himself with a group of friends and I had been with the college on an educational trip that also involved a lot of beer consumption. On our previous trips neither of us had spent much time in Brussels but it seemed like as good a choice as any for our holiday. We arrived in Brussels just after 10 and proceeded to get very lost trying to find our accommodation. It doesn't seem to matter if we are in the next town over or a few hundred miles away, myself ...