The cost of a smaller waist line
I'm pretty sure everyone knows of at least one secret that supposed to make you slimmer. Be it; eating more superfoods, that diet that works like a charm, the tea that's supposed to speed up fat loss but really gives you the runs or the diet pills that contain speed or the herbal equivalent. I know the truth of the matter is there is no easy route because if there was then we would all be doing it instead of slogging away at the gym and carefully monitoring our dietary intake. Not that there are not many other benefits to keeping fit but you know what I mean. On some level I accept the keep to my fitness is hard work and exercise and I am doing my best on both of these fronts but at the same time I am always on the look out for anything that will help me along the way.
I know from my own experience that I tend to get disheartened when I am working away but not seeing any results and that's only natural. Its not that I feel I am going backwards but more that it will take a while for me to see the changes in my body even when the pounds begin to slip away. One of these days I will try on the jeans that have stubbornly refused to close and be pleasantly surprised. That day is not now and so I am eagerly taking in any suggestions on how to hurry that process along without it being detrimental to my health.
The trouble with most decent weight loss/fat burning tips is that they generally feature either something unappealing or expensive. I have cut back on junk in a big way and that's been hard but I know it helps and also lately I have been taking on board any advice my Crossfit coaches (who are also my Sister and her husband) are willing to give. I am even looking into joining a yoga class but that's more because I am the least flexible person alive and I'd like to not injure myself. I have been making a smoothie the last two weeks (not the one smoothie) consisting of strawberries, blueberries, spinach, almond butter and almond milk and then invested in some pea protein. Its super healthy but tastes like chalk. This will improve my recovery so less pain for me and also means my body has more energy to burn fat, yay to that. That set me back €10 and that's before you count the fact that this smoothie habit means I almost need to take out a loan to afford all the strawberries. Then it was suggested to me that I try adding to Cacao powder to my smoothies. If you are not familiar with it then think of it like cocoas sugar free, more bitter sibbling. It tastes not so good but is just about palatable in my smoothie and set me back €7 but it has all the health benefits including fat burning properties. Finally I was told about the benefits of apple cider vinegar, the least costly thing I have bought this week at €3 for a bottle. Now as you can imagine this tastes like vinegar, not as nasty as chip shop vinegar but not exactly delicious either. This does something to remove toxins from your liver and so helps you burn fat. Every little helps I suppose. Now my wallet is lighter but hopefully soon I will be able to say the same about myself.
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