Be someone that makes you happy

I've not been having the greatest of weeks. I am not sure if there is any particular reason for this but my mood has been low and I can feel it hanging over me like a cloud threatening to spill rain. Over the last year or so I have been working that bit harder to look after myself and to give me what I need. I decided some time ago that I needed to be the someone who makes me happy because leaving that up to someone else hasn't exactly turned out to be a fool proof method. I started writing this blog post about two weeks ago but I was really struggling to form a coherent post expressing myself clearly and so I shelved it but now as I go into my second last night shift of the fortnight, the overall message seems more poignant somehow. For me one of the main elements of making myself happy is building self care into my week. I am the person best equipped to meet my needs at any given time and I try to keep this in mind on a daily basis. Sometimes this means giving mysel...