
Showing posts from September, 2018

Be someone that makes you happy

I've not been having the greatest of weeks. I am not sure if there is any particular reason for this but my mood has been low and I can feel it hanging over me like a cloud threatening to spill rain.  Over the last year or so I have been working that bit harder to look after myself and to give me what I need. I decided some time ago that I needed to be the someone who makes me happy because leaving that up to someone else hasn't exactly turned out to be a fool proof method. I started writing this blog post about two weeks ago but I was really struggling to form a coherent post expressing myself clearly and so I shelved it but now as I go into my second last night shift of the fortnight, the overall message seems more poignant somehow. For me one of the main elements of making myself happy is building self care into my week. I am the person best equipped to meet my needs at any given time and I try to keep this in mind on a daily basis. Sometimes this means giving mysel...

Unravelling Laura

I have a tendency to be a little to introspective for my own good. I spend far more time than is reasonable inside my own head unpicking social encounters, normally in an effort to criticize myself for not handling human interaction better or to make sure I am spending sufficient time cringing at whatever awkward thing I did or said. How long is long enough to berate yourself for awkwardness because I can recall things going back years when required. The other thing I do an awful lot of is examine my own behavior and motivations and try to unravel what shaped them or where exactly they originated. So far I am not really making much decent progress but doesn't seem to discourage me in any way shape or form. This is the kind of stuff that springs to mind each time I have a guy ask how someone who looks like can be single, as though the simple fact that they find me attractive means that someone should have made me their girlfriend by now whether I like it or not. The truth of...

A life unplanned

I have had this funny sort of feeling since I moved to Kilkenny and started my new life of singledom that I am sorting of coasting. Only planning on a temporary basis and not making any major footholds in my life. I was recently talking to my sister about how I was feeling somewhat as though I am not really tethered to anything in life. She is much wiser than me and pointed out that I have made major strides in career and Crossfit training in the last year as well as becoming more comfortable in my own company.  While these points are valid, the feeling still persists. I have no real five year plan. I fall upon a free weekend and usually end up doing what I feel like on the day weather depending but no real plans are in place and everything feels a little bit unstructured. So It's not like my life is a raging disaster but I do have this lingering feeling that I could be doing something more. This is when my sister suggested I put together a list of things that I feel I n...