The day I got carried away

Today I set off to do my food shop in Tescos brimming with good intentions. I was going to buy lots of yummy healthy things and it was all going to be great. I would have all the deliciousness to get me through the week and keep me on the straight and narrow. i.e. not eating crap. I had already decided I would get a few more types of fruit because it is summer, even if you wouldn't know by looking outside, and nothing makes me feel more summery than juicy strawberries or peaches. So I got completely carried away and I swear it was an accident because I did not foolishly arrive at the supermarket with hunger calling all the shots. To be fair had I gone in there hungry I probably would have come out with a whole load of crap and not spent half the money I did. My food shopping for just one person came to a little over €80, yikes. Especially given that it is €30 more than I budget for my weekly shop and that doesn't include the money I spent at the health food store earlier this week.

Yes eating better is indeed a pricey business but not usually quite bank breakingly expensive. Oh well at least I wont starve for the week but then again nor will I be repeating this food shop again. I bought more or less the same veg (spuds, cucumber , green beans, mangetout, carrots, peppers, broccoli ) and added just spinach and lettuce so I can safely say thats not what made my bill soar. I already know what the culprit is. I went completely, totally and utterly over board on the fruit. I was like a kid let loose in a old fashioned sweet shop except I am taking in my sugar in fructose form, Now I know too much fruit is not good for you but I am cursed with a sweet tooth so I will be getting my sweet fix somewhere and trust me when I say this is the better option. As soon as I walked in the doors of tesco I was greeted with the enticing site of a crate of some of the juiciest looking strawberries I have ever seen, like so good (and I can now tell you they taste even better). They were priced at €5.99 , allegedly marked down but more than likely that was a lie to convince me I was getting a bargain. It didn't matter because I had already decided I wanted them and into my trolley they went. It went down  hill from there. I emerged from the fruit and veg section with the veg above plus easy peelers, apples, pears, peaches and nectarines. Whoops.

I bought other stuff but by then it hardly mattered I was so far over budget. I even spent €7 on fish. I have been promising I will start eating it again and I knew if I put it back because the two pieces came to that much I would just continue down the merry road of not eating enough protein and wondering why I'm so damn sore after a crossfit class. So I will have a delicious week once that fruit ripens enough to eat, my mouth is watering at the thought of it but maybe next time I want to go fruit crazy I'll go somewhere a little cheaper. Or maybe just not buy all the fruit. Its only fair that I leave some for other people.


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