Weekends are for ....
Looking at the weekend that lies ahead for me, I am glad I made the most of last weekends sunshine. For most people the weekend involves some sort of plans, some type of social activity and for the very lucky two glorious days where no working will be done. For me the weekend officially starts tonight. I have finished my Pa work for the Easter break and as of 11pm tonight I will be starting a round of 4 working nights. I can't say I am terribly excited at the prospect given how wiped I was after the weekend I worked three in a row but my rent wont pay itself so I'll get through it somehow. For me the working night prep actually started on Monday and I know that's not common practice but Monday was the day I chose to kick my sugar habit. It was getting out of hand, I felt like crap and I was getting sick of feeling like my pants were trying to kill me. The reason that had to start Monday is that as from tomorrow my defences will be weak, oh so weak and I would be fightin...