The demise of drunk Laura

Behold in their glory, a selection of images of me under the influence. I am certain that a much greater number of photos have been taken of me drunk, in college we only ever took a camera out if a few drinks had been had but I went through a somewhat self conscious phase post college and deleted a great number of unflattering( overly fat or drunk ) photos. Drunk Laura was someone I used to speak about in the third person in order to explain away my escapades and by Irish standards I was for the most part not a particularly bad drunk.

It has at this point in time been 9 months and 8 days since Drunk Laura last made an appearance. The delightful thing in making New Years Eve the day you decide to take a break is that it makes it very easy to keep a clear record of how much time has passed. I think initially I was partaking in dry January. This is usually something taken on by people who had over done in December, which I don't really think I had but I was glad of an excuse to take some time away from hangovers. Particularly because my post New Year's hangover was a pretty woeful one. Somehow that crept into February and within a few weeks I was doing regular waking nights which have the delightful capacity to allow me to experience a hangover type sensation without me actually imbibing any alcohol. I guess I could say I had lost interest in it but it wasn't a big deal.

In the many months that have passed I have managed to admit to myself that I don't really like alcohol all that much, which is funny when you consider I had my first drink at 14 so it only took me 18 years to work that out. I did enjoy the confidence boost it gave me, taking me from my naturally introverted state to an extrovert and altogether more sure of myself. For me it was a social crutch, one I leaned on heavily at social occasions to stop that feeling that I didn't belong creeping in. 

It is probably fortunate that my social life is not exactly hopping because I am still working out the delicate balance that is inserting social Laura comfortably into social situations. Sometimes I will have extra coffee or an energy drink but that's more to stop me noticeably yawning beyond a certain point in the night, I am told its a bit of a buzz killer. I have been to a handful of parties, a good few gigs and even a wedding and survived them all. It hasn't stopped me from lingering on the edge of a group wondering what to say or somehow transformed me into one of those people who announces that I don't need drink because I'm great craic without it. I'm not really but I'm okay with that. 

I will say I miss feeling relaxed among those I don't know well and the loss of self consciousness when out but in the other column I have a much longer list of things I don't miss without drink. I no longer wake with that 'Oh God, what have I said/done feeling, It's been so long since I had a hangover that I almost find it difficult to empathise with those around me who are woefully hungover and let's not forget the fear because I sure as hell don't miss that.

Now I don't know if its a permanent thing, only time will tell on that score but I am not intending to make a big thing out of it either way. Perhaps if I make it all the way to New Years Eve again without feeling the lure of it, I might decide it suits me. For now I can usually get away with by muttering something about a long shift coming up and because of the nature of my job, I will find people nodding sympathetically and this saves me from having to pretend I'm on anti-biotics which somehow goes down better than just not wanting to drink.


  1. Late night party is famous in young age people, for that Hangover Free Drinks is best, because it give happy morning..


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