Mindfulness for the perpetually stressed

If there ever was a woman who needed mindfulness I would be her. I am a big ball of stress, sugar and coffee most of the time and the rest of the time I run on stress alone. For those of you not familiar with mindfulness, its not a new concept. Eckhart Tolle is quite well known in spiritual circles for bring the idea to light with his Power of Now and its quite straightforward. It's about living in the moment and actually enjoying and experiencing things as they happen. I am not very good at this. I frequently find myself driving somewhere and realise I have missed a good chunk of the journey. This is probably because I know the route well enough that I am driving on automatic but this is worrying both from a mental and safety point of view. I eat much too fast. Often I don't quite taste the food. As you can imagine this plays havoc on my digestive system as well as meaning I often eat more than I intended at any one sitting. Just recently I ate a sour dough sandwich so fast I blocked my airway and started choking on it. Pretty scary stuff but luckily I pulled through and even finished my sandwich. I know I should eat slower and not read or watch shows while I eat but quite frankly I get very bored just eating. I once decided to try really slowing down my eating and started running a timer so I could leave a decent pause between each mouthful but my food got very cold and I got bored of it before I could change my eating habits forever. 

Logically I know if I keep going at this pace I'll wear myself out and I did actually read the Power Of Now nodding along because even though he sounds like Gollum (from Lord of the rings) Eckhart Tolle is a smart man and there's a lot to be said for his way of thinking. I found that implementing his thinking into my everyday life a little more difficult however. I am often so busy worrying about things coming up or fretting things that have already happened that I forget to enjoy what I am doing in that moment in time. I am working on changing that and sorry to my parents but meditation never really took off for me. I could not still my mind long enough to actually relax so I found all it did was give me more mental space to worry about my life. I do have lots of lovely relaxing tea which is nice and all but obviously there's more to my plan than that. I have dug out my adult colouring book I received last year and I have been colouring up a storm. In fact when I showed my parents some of my handiwork they said wow you must have been really stressed ( I was !) and I even treated myself to a lovely pack of colouring pencils for my mini mindfulness colouring book so I can start bringing it with me. As well as that I have Crossfit which some days feels like the only thing keeping me sane. The great thing about it aside from all the endorphins is that when you are just trying to finish the workout or get the next rep it really doesn't leave a whole lot of mental space for everything else. The moment is the only place you can be. So I'll keep on going with that and will get through the holiday season a happier, calmer person unless I run out of things to colour. 


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