2017; this was the year

Nothing like the year coming to an end to put me in reflection mode. It's become a blogging tradition for me to use this time in December to look back on the year that was and realise how much has changed, some good and some bad, in a mere 12 months.

Obviously one of the biggest changes is my relationship of almost four years came to an end. It was a while coming but still quite sad. We left things on good enough terms and the relationship ending was not followed by me being harassed and ending up in hospital from a stress related illness so all being said, it went better than my last break up. I know that's not saying a lot.

This was also the catalyst for my other big change for me. After years of making empty threats to leave Waterford city, I finally moved to Kilkenny. I'm living outside the city because that's where I found a house but I have my very own place. There is a slight danger I might become too much of a hermit because I'm really starting to enjoy my own company. I have been to a few girlcrew events since moving down but pesky work has a habit of getting in the way.

Big change number three is my first proper social care job. I've been working as a health care assistant for almost three years and it's been great but I'm qualified in social care so the whole time I have been striving to get myself an actual real life social care job. Well 2017 is the year it finally paid off. The organisation I already worked for was hiring social care workers for the houses they have been opening out in the community and I took the plunge and accepted a job in one. I'm only in the job a few short months but I can say it's the best decision I ever made.

There has also been lots of smaller changes. I removed the N plates from my car this month which means I'm a proper fully licensed driver now, novice no more.

I joined a gym in kilkenny and nothing like the combination of paying for a gym and having it much closer to your house to motivate you to go. I'm actually on a tiny bit of a hiatus from the gym. It had to close unexpectedly for a few days leading up to Christmas and then with being home and work I didn't make it in this week either but I'm allowing January's payment to go out of the bank so poverty will get me back in next week. I dont have that kind of money to throw away.

I joined Snapchat around the time I moved to Kilkenny and being unsure how to find people to snap I foolishly shared my username and received so many  ( unwanted- in case it doesn't go without saying ) penis pictures I almost went blind. I learned how to use the block feature pretty lively. Now I just use it to share random moments from my life with actual friends and leave the interacting with perverts for other people.

And that's my 2017. Summed up better than any random selection of my Facebook photos ever could. It's strange to think of how much has changed and I look to 2018 with hope and the possibility of much much more.


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