The subtle art of self appreciation

I don't brag often but I can confidently say that I have self depreciation down to a fine art. I am witty and sharp and I can make a room laugh as I put myself down. This is something I have been doing ever since I can remember and it's almost a reflex at this point. When it comes complimenting myself, it's not common for me to do it outright, I'd prefer to downplay any talents/likeable parts of myself.

Behind every quip lies a nugget of truth, something I, on some level, believe to be true about myself. I am just getting in with the joke before someone else does.

I remember being younger and easily upset. Even now I struggle to not take everything personally but I have learned along the way that it's better and it hurts a lot less when everyone laughs with you rather than at you.

But today, as I think back on the last blog post I have written in which I picked  apart my flaws for the amusement of others. I started to think about our culture and how it encourages us to not think too highly of ourselves . Most woman I know are also skilled at self depreciation and can shrug off a genuine compliment faster than you can give it.
They all know how to bring themselves down but I know few that can build themselves up again.

Where does this leave room for self appreciation. For celebrating your talents, acknowledging your worth. For saying, as it happens, I am actually exceptionally talented at that. I for one am guilty of partaking in this infrequently, if ever . Just in whispers or secretly thinking it to myself but perhaps it's time for this to change. 


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