The list to end all lists

Last night I found myself messing around on goodreads. I had just downloaded the app and I was looking through their lists of commendable or popular books so I could start adding to my list of what I've read and it got me thinking. What if I was to compile a list of books I've read and I mean all of the books. What would such a list even look like, my thoughts would be ridiculous because even now with less time on my hands, I am an avid reader. I know for instance that I've read close to 300 books in just under two years. I'm using this an example because I started working in a bookshop in May 2012 and we're allowed to borrow books but we have to sign them in and out so I actually have a list of what I've read during that time and no I'm not counting picture books but I do read all the new ones as they come in. I'm going to hazard a guess and say it would probably be in the thousands but there's far too many for me to ever remember without a lit...