Funny little habits

Jimmy Fallon recently quipped that 1% of the population is intolerant to gluten and the other 99% is sick of hearing about it. I think he might be onto something. I try not to harp on too much about my long list of can't haves (except for in my blog which doesn't count because people are reading it of their own volition). Sometimes though, I can't help it. Someone offers me something like cake or asks why I go to so much trouble baking my own stuff and I can't explain my way around it without a vague reference to my wheat intolerance and so on. Naturally I find it only fair to assume that no one really wants to know the details of the ill effects both candida and IBS produce when I eat the things that feed or trigger them so I settle for something nice and vague about it upsetting my stomach and then we have a brief discussion about how awful it is to be me.

To be clear, I am not the one saying it's awful being me. Yes, sometimes I gripe about everything I can't eat and how very sick I am because I have only gone and eaten something I shouldn't. Because sometimes the temptation is too much and I am a very silly girl. For the most part though, I have made peace with my new diet and know its probably for the best. Let's face it, I wasn't going to good places when I ate ALL the treats. So actually it's a little insulting when people tell me how awful it is to be me or how they could never manage. In fact it makes me feel a little bit ranty. I didn't wake up one morning and decide I'd just stop eating all my favourite things just because it was good for me. I had a long and painful (because eating the things I craved made me very sick and I did it anyway) period between realising I shouldn't be eating x food and actually starting to phase it out.

So as someone who has been a finicky eater all her life I should be used to the incredulous looks and the questions about what I'm actually eating and that lovely one about what I eat for Christmas. It's still a pain and I don't like the attention or being watched when I'm eating, something I never grew out of I suppose. To the extent where I have been known to be dating someone several weeks or occasionally months before I'll eat in front of them. Okay, I'm not as bad these days but I remember a few years back , an ex expressing concern because he'd never actually seen me eat and just checking in that I did do it when he wasn't around. 

Okay I've gotten that off my chest and now I feel better and 90% less ranty. I'll just have some peppermint tea and very delicious homemade cookies and get on with my night 


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