Fat girl training

So today was the day that after an incredibly long break from the world of fitness (but not my longest to date), I made my return to the gym. I had been meaning to go back ever since I finished nights but I had an endless list of excuses that kept me away. I was exhausted and lazy. The early start on my day off did not appeal to me. I didn't want to drive for 40 minutes to do a class when I am driving up and down to Kilkenny every other day for work. Then of course we had my biggest excuse of all, fear. I have taken enough breaks from training to know the return is tough both physically and mentally. The first class is the one where you realise how chronically unfit you have become in your time away and the one of many where you catch sight of your reflection in tight gym clothes and recoil in horror.

I turned up this morning cold and nervous. I had gone to the trouble some months ago of buying gym clothes that fit me and this did save me the embarrassment of pausing every 10 seconds to pull my pants back over my flabby midsection. The warm up was tough which is only to be expected when I haven't been doing so much as a push up in the intervening months. 
We started with some back squats and mine were ridiculously light if you compared my bar to the others in the gym but I got through my sets with some difficulty. To be fair the hardest part was doing in front of the newly installed mirrors. The purpose of these mirrors is so you can correct your form while weightlifting. Which is an excellent concept unless you become overly preoccupied by how fat you look while squatting and then refuse to make eye contact with your reflection.

We then moved on to a mix of wall balls and deadlifts. I was just really grateful to not have any burpees. Then again I am always grateful to not have burpees as a rule. It was hard but I managed better than I thought. Mostly because I was paired with a much fitter woman who exercises the sort of dedication to training that I can never seem to muster so I pushed myself so as to not hold her back. However I did not die and we did finish before the time was up so here's to small victories. My legs felt like jelly by the end but I still made it to my car.

After a few hours I found getting up stairs a struggle so going on past experience my weekend in work should be fun but I am hoping that on my next day off I will make the trek down to the gym to continue my journey bit by bit until I no longer feel like the least fit person in the whole gym. 


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