I literally hate it when ....

I would not describe myself as a grammar nazi. Sure I'm pedantic but I prefer the word enthusiast. I am
a grammar enthusiast, there I said it. There's no shame in it. I read a lot and do my best to spell correctly and it really irks me when people make a complete shambles of the English language . I believe if you're only going to be fluent in one language, the very least you can do is master it. I find on social networking sites like Facebook that my news feed is often awash with so many spelling mistakes that I often find myself wincing as i scroll down through my news feed.
I find I'm a little baffled as to how people have managed to get through the school system without understanding the difference between your and you're or to, two and too. 

That being said , there is one thing that irritates me more than any other grammar mistake. I'm certain that if you're not guilty of this then you at least know someone who is. The Mis use of word literally. See the headline above.Unless that woman has been surgically attached to her other half then I think you'll find they are figuratively joined at the hip. 
I have noticed, as I sit and seethe, that is becoming more and more common and it seems we now have a 'literally' pandemic on our hands if such a thing is possible . Chances are your head did not literally explode and you did not literally wet yourself laughing and contrary to popular belief using big words does always make you sound smarter especially if you use it out of context.
Maybe it's silly that I get so wound up
About what seems to be a small thing when taken in the grand scheme of things but I feel we are all entitled to
Our little irrationalities and mine surely aren't the worst out there 


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