Big fat scary changes

It seems lately I am all about making big changes or perhaps its a coincidence that it's all happening so close together. Just two months ago I was living in Waterford, unhappily ensconced in a long term relationship and driving up to Kilkenny every day bemoaning my commute. I think change was always on the horizon but I was busy burying my head in the sand and telling myself I would work it out later. 

Obviously I am sure you all know by now (unless you have the misfortune to have stumbled upon my blog for the first time just to read this post) that my relationship came to an end and I already had a plan in my place before I had even fully picked up the pieces. Possibly the only benefit of having anxiety.
So here I am two months on and actually I am doing pretty good. I am finding that living alone is suiting me and I am really glad I managed to find a space of my own away from the hustle and bustle of the city. I like living near the city but I also need to be able to retreat. I am also finding that its not as hard as I thought it might be to be apart from my ex. I don't know if this is because I have plenty going on to keep me distracted or perhaps just that breaking up was the right move but I'm not looking to over analysis it. Things are good, let's leave it there.

Now that I have settled into Kilkenny, adjusted to single life and found a healthy lifestyle plan that works, it is time for my next big change. I am currently working as Health care assistant in a large residential facility. It's great and I love the job, well at least I love most aspects of it even though it can be really tough, exhausting and frustrating. The thing is I have been trying to get myself into social care for so long now. It's what I studied in college and I feel like I could be really good at it once I find my feet. The good news is obviously such a position has come up and I have been waiting since I got the news for it to actually start. I haven't exactly been pushing for it either because I knew this new job means leaving the house I am in, where I know the people living there and I feel confident in what I am doing. The new position is within the same organisation but a smaller house out in the community with me as a social care worker so a whole new ball game. 

Tomorrow will be my last in my current job, my last day as HCA. This is scary and weird and a little bit sad but also exciting because there is a lot of possibilities right outside my comfort zone and if I don't scare myself a little then I will never change. I think I will be a little emotional but I also think I would prefer to slink out of there without making too much of a fuss. Next week I will be starting a brand new chapter and embracing all the big fat scary changes that come with it. 


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