The post break up hair cut

Getting your hair cut after a break up is supposed to be one of those quintessential steps that every woman goes through. I dont know why and I am saying that as a woman who has quite recently gone through a break up and now gotten a dramatic hair cut. Well given the fact that I have had some sort of bob in my hair on and off over the last 33 years, its not all that dramatic.
(exhibit a, much younger me)

I will admit I wasn't really waiting until I felt it was time to take this step. It's not as though I had to get through the crying and adjusting to single life before I could chop off loads of my hair in a fuck you type gesture, not at all.

Now I have diligently gone through all the other break up steps by the book. I cried so much during the first few weeks and ate so much junk that I termed the recycling bag (which I filled with various wrappers in this time ) the recycling bag of shame. It did not help that its transparency made my gluttony  all the more obvious. I snapped out of that phase and began to overhaul my diet and dragged myself back into the gym where I almost died but didn't and eventually training became less awful and more effective. 

I then started thinking about dating again and being an introvert I practised my rusty dating skills and tried to flirt online. This is where I encountered a lot of douchey men with a strong desire to send me penis photos. Naturally I graciously declined these disgusting offers and accepted that while I will be ready to go on dates in the future that now is not the time for me or at least I probably wont be finding said prospective date on the internet and that's okay. 

I haven't contacted my ex or made any attempt to and I haven't cried myself to sleep thinking about the break and I am looking after myself now. My anxiety levels are much lower and my diet and exercise regime are the best they have been in a long long time so It's fair to say I am working hard at moving on with my life and not doing that bad a job of it as these things go.

So no I didn't get my hair cut because it felt like the next natural step. I will admit it was quite therapeutic watching my hair fall away. I always think I want to grow out my hair and then it starts looking ridiculous and I want to cut it up again. I am a complicated woman like that. What was holding me back was not the fact that my ex prefers my hair long or that I wasn't ready for the big change. It was a lot simpler than that. Just after the break up because I had been stress eating my poor face was round and moon like. It was not an attractive look. Unless I could convince people to only look at me from a flattering angle (or be really really tall) then that was going to have to change. I desperately wanted to sort out my hair but I was afraid the bob would accentuate the moon-ness of my face so instead I focused on sorting my diet and exercise regime and finally I realised my face was no longer a moon.

I actually did ask the hair dresser to go a bit shorter with the bob. we discussed it before she got the scissors out and it felt like we were on the same page but I watched her cut it and looked at my hair not getting that much shorter and realised we clearly werent. It turns out she didn't feel I should go any shorter with the cut (see photo above) and as she was the one holding the scissors we compromised. I think I am happy with how it turned out and I don't look like a lego head so that's always a bonus.
(included for illustrative purposes)
Now that's done I will just have to worry about how to dry my hair so all the layers face the one direction and then you know what's next to be improved upon in my life. 


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