The permanently exhausted pigeon

I don't know if you've ever seen the thing online that says I'm not an early bird or a night owl, I'm more of a permanently exhausted pigeon. Well that's me right there. Usually I'm kind of at my best around mid day but after that it all starts to slide.  

As you may well be aware, this is the week I started working as a social care worker. It's an exciting but big change for me and I have definitely noticed this week that I am far more exhausted than usual. I know that it's not because the job is more taxing. So far it's been lovely and it feels far more relaxed than where I was based as a health care assistant. I think for me the exhaustion is probably all a mental thing. I'm still figuring out what it means to be a social care worker and I think my brain is in overdrive as I try to work out on a day to day basis whst extra tasks should I be taking on in my role.

The other thing for me is that I have noticed, upon reflection, that I go through this every time I start a new job. I have an adjustment period where I'm totally, hit by a truck level wiped and then I adjust and everything goes back to normal. I have been wondering if its an introvert thing and yes I know I harp on a bit about how I'm introverted but what you need to understand is that I went through most of my life thinking I was just weird and then I stumbled upon an online community for introverts and realised I'd found my tribe. So yes I'm still a bit weird but a lot of 
It is down to my natural introversion.

It doesn't help matters that tomorrow is my fourth day working. Luckily this is not reflective of my typical week. Next week my hours are a bit more normal and I have 
the weekend off to rest and recover. After that I'm on nights for a fortnight and all my hard work will be undone. The exhausted pigeon will be replaced with marshmallow brain.


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