Living a better life

So today I am feeling pretty good. It could all the endorphins from my gym class this morning or it could be the lovely coffee I grabbed on the way home but I am not going to question it and I will just enjoy my little happy wave while it lasts.

So as most of you know I set myself a mission to sort myself out post break up. Especially when I looked at my little round face and was horrified, not just by my appearance ( nothing good happens to you when you eat all your feelings) but just how I was living my life in the aftermath of Stephen. I was giving myself permission to treat myself terribly because I felt sad and lonely (only natural post break up) and I decided to stop doing that and to reclaim my life.

I am almost a month off sugar and bread which I haven't done for years and I feel so much better without them. I find that sugar just makes my anxiety spike plus it does nothing for my candida. I am not even craving it anymore, my mum ate murphy's ice-cream in my presence yesterday and I didn't even feel a pang for a taste of it.I am working on making more positive changes to my diet but I know it will all come in time. 

I have joined a Crossfit gym in kilkenny. I had been back  training in the one in Clonmel for 3 weeks of the month that I was living there and I was just starting to rediscover my love of  Crossfit and how it pushes you when I moved down here and I am very happy to say that in the week since I moved I have already been to four classes. They have been really tough but I have felt amazing once I recovered my ability to walk again. I am now a paying member of a gym that's only a 15 minute drive away from me and I think I will be duly motivated to keep attending classes especially now that I am starting to see a change in my body for the better. I always think its funny how there is a mental lag when the body is changing. I have been looking in the mirror everyday seeing the same body unchanging and then one day I put on a fitted t-shirt and realised my stomach has shrunk. This was very exciting for me but getting slimmer is no longer my end goal, merely a really nice bonus. I want to get stronger and I want to get better and I want to be fit.

I also did my first Vinyasa yoga class last night. I had done yoga before but this was very different. I thought I wanted to do a more strenuous form of yoga but I couldn't find the class I wanted. The Vinyasa yoga is all about breathing and relaxing and as it turned out it might not have been what I wanted but it was exactly what I needed. I hope to go to another class again soon because if anything I do need to relax more in life plus it helped to loosen up my tight, sore post workout muscles. As with everything this is another positive change in my life.

I am also all set to meet two Girlcrew ladies for a movie night in a local bar tonight so I am opening myself up to opportunities to meet new people plus the movie sounds good so not a bad way to spend my evening.

I hope all of this will combine to me building a new life here in Kilkenny because I like the thought of calling this city home


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