Today is the day I don't like children

You know when you have one of those days at work where you want to go home and slip into a bath of wine but then you remember you don't have wine or a bath in your house so you settle for devouring the last of the almond butter. I feel like when I get my week off (as soon as I finish work tomorrow) I'll have earned it because nothing dampens my liking for children/being around people than a weekend at work. As an introvert I sometimes find it exhausting to be with large groups of people and whenever I'm working Saturdays I feel drained and maybe somewhat tempted to go hide in the magazine store until they are all gone away. 

Recently I went with my nieces to this place back home called planet playground. It's one of those horrific indoor play areas with a ball pit and lots of inflatable stuff and all of these foam things to climb over and they serve all kinds of crap you don't want to feed your kids and then top off the experience by playing really inappropriate music at an obnoxious volume. It was kind of my idea of hell so naturally my nieces love the place. Not that I have to bring them all that often or anything. 

It also sort of reminded me of work. At the weekends the children's section gets pretty busy and with Mcdonalds and supermacs just outside the door many of these kids are hopped up on sugar and whatever other chemicals they've just consumed and excited to be off school. There also seems to be some confusion around the fact that it is in fact a shop and not an indoor play area so I'd prefer if you didn't allow your child to climb on the shelves or run around the shop playing a mouth organ that's been in at least 20 other kids mouths. 

You can actually feel a manic energy if you walk into my corner of the shop on a Saturday afternoon and trying to tidy it during this whirlwind of sugar and hyperactivity is kind of soul destroying. At best all you can hope is damage control and maybe a lie down in a dark (child free ) room when the day is over.


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