survival of the wittiest

If it is indeed survival of the fittest then I am unlikely to be one of the last women standing. If however it is survival of the sort of fit or the getting there then I am likely to fare much better. If watching people do crossfit at a competitive level has thought me nothing else it's that I have a long, long way to go and also that if you work hard enough you can really do anything.

Online there's a different world where you can look however you like because everyone lies anyway. People put up Facebook photos that are 2 years old because they look skinnier or just have the handful taken from a really flattering angle and have maybe tweaked them just a little. Social networking sites like Facebook and twitter and blogger, this is where the sharp tongued and quick witted thrive and it is my arena.

When I sit down to blog a virtual torrent of sarcasm comes spewing forth and finally I am allowed to vent all the minor irritations that have grated on me throughout the day. I once read a someecard (similar to above humorous e-card) that said we should start a new Facebook called fasebuk and let all the people who can't spell or grasp basic grammar use that one instead. While there is a part of me all for embracing that concept, I do try to suppress my inner grammar Nazi and think instead what a shame it would be to lose all contact with several acquaintances just because they think tym and awesum are valid words or they don't seem to understand that you're and your are actually not meant to be used interchangeably . Okay, fine so I wouldn't really shed too many tears but something does tell me Lamebook would have a lot less to make fun of if all the spelling errors disappeared.

Should only the wittiest survive would we ever realize that we were actually funny. Maybe not that's not reason enough to leave things unchanged. Not that I  have the power to change it anyway. It's very easy to sit and judge when poised behind an extremely battered laptop and I know in truth there are plenty out there happily judging me so it kind of evens out, right?

All of the inappropriateness, sarcasm and terrible terrible jokes go round my mind everyday threatening to leak into ordinary conversation at the most inopportune moments and it's all I can do to keep myself quiet. Every so often quipping to a friend to relieve the pressure or desire to blurt. Blogging helps unfortunately/fortunately (depending on how you look at it) I can't blog unfiltered. That's the trouble when you share your blog with friends, family and acquaintances. Maybe it is a sort of blessing because who knows what I would see fit to write if I thought I was going unchecked.


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