Last of the great romantics

As an avid reader there is one thing I have never really understood and that is the appeal of the great romance novel. We should probably clear this up before I go any further. The last of great romantics isn't me but I am known to have my moments of sappiness. Not so sappy that I would feel inclined to buy a mills and boon or something of that ilk and I am not sure what such books really have to offer. Would you not to be too busy cringing at the awfulness of the story to actually garner any enjoyment from it. Anyway today, at work, I was assisting a customer when this gem caught my eye. Possibly the funniest thing I have ever read and I must say it really cheered up my Sunday so naturally I took down the details so I could find it at home and share my good fortune and the next book I'll be reading. Okay so fine , I don't seem myself ever reading mush like this while there still other books in publication, you are more likely to catch me perusing the phone book for funsies. If you do not ,however, share my cynicism or perhaps romance novels are your guilty pleasure then here is the description of what this book of treats includes
An enthralling collection of romantic tales set amidst beautiful Ireland’s lush ancient landscapes: pre-Christian ruins, green hills, rugged cliffs, and pounding Atlantic surf.
What's not to love here apart from you know ,everything

I like a good book, no wait I lie, I love a good book. I like a story I can totally immerse myself in, I like books where someone starts talking to me as I am reading and I am momentarily startled because I was genuinely that absorbed by the story. Fortunately for me there is no shortage for such books out there what ever mood I might be in but I can't foresee an occasion where a book like this going to do anything but insult my intelligence. Now I am not going to try and tell people what they should and shouldn't read, even if a part of me wants to.  What I am saying is that you find yourself purchasing a book like this for anything other than a giggle then you and I might need to sit down for a chat. Oh, I'm joking,  I am not really the book police so feel free to grab this bargain, we're selling it for only 4 euro, who could imagine such a promising looking title would be a bargain book. Well there you go, now excuse me while I remove my judgey hat and pick up the young adult novel I am mid way through. It's cool, it's ahem for my job and I'm just that dedicated.


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