More than your average soft drink

Before we get started just let me tell you that not that long ago I used to drink a lot of coca cola, not two litres a day or anything mental like that and I certainly didn't drink it with every meal but I had more than my fair share of the carbonated soft drink. When I was hungover I would mainline the stuff like it was the only known cure and I would swear blind that it was the only thing that could settle my stomach. Did I know it wasn't good for me? sure, it's not like I was an idiot but I didn't really care. I liked the refreshment and the sugar and the caffeine hit. I remember once getting a lecture from a taxi driver about drinking coke and he informed me that Estee lauder use a chemical in their make up that's also in coke. I took his warning with a pinch of salt given that in the same conversation he told me that he had cured cancer with the power of his mind.

Anyway these days, despite kicking my sugar habit and then falling right back off the wagon in a dramatic fashion at least once a month. I am no longer a consumer of coca cola and clearly I am no longer a fan of the great beverage so it means I can comfortably read articles on true activist about the many other uses for coke, thus proving you would be better off to not drink the stuff and only shudder slightly in horror hoping I haven't partially melted my insides from all my years of coke guzzling.

According to the article I read consuming coke has been linked to a 48% increase in the risk of heart attack and stroke. There have also been studies that show a link between consumption of coke and an increase in breathing and lung conditions. Yikes. On top of all this it is said to cause calcium loss in your bones and makes them weak and brittle.  This is pretty scary stuff. Now you can either take it on board and consider cutting back or quitting this soft drink, you could just not read this blog post at all or you could make it to the end with your fingers in your ears singing tra la la as loudly as you can to prevent yourself from taking in any information that defames your favourite soft drink but the facts still remain the same.

If you're feeling creative here are some other uses for coca cola
1. Removes grease and stains from clothes
2. removes rust and loosens rusty bolts
3. Removes bloodstains from clothes (it's wrong that immediately when I write that I imagine a scenario where someone has been murdered and removing blood from the clothes is part of covering up the crime but I'm thinking that's down to the fact that I watch far too many criminal dramas)
4. Cleans oil stains from a garage floor, burnt pans, car battery terminals, car engines, pennies, tile grout, a toilet. Cleans a whole bunch of things basically. 
5. Kills slugs and snails
6. Descales a kettle
7. Can also be used to fade hair dye or dissolve a tooth.

Now the article I loosely robbed this information from can be found here. Im not sure if this works as a link, you might need to copy and paste it but I thought I would include it incase you wanted to read it from the source.
Among other things they are basically saying that coke is like an industrial cleaner and that it can be used to clean a whole bunch of things so you know, don't drink it.
Well it's made me glad I've kicked that habit because I can guarantee you back when I loved it, I wouldn't have cared what you told me about it. Who would have thought I'd ever grow up 


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