No stranger to a dizzy spell

I am currently sitting on my couch waiting on a dizzy spell to pass. My stomach is like a balloon and I feel all sorts of hazy. In my battle to wean myself off sugar I am not doing so well. Okay let's not deprive me of all the credit because it's been well over a week since I've eaten actual sugar which is the good news. One second I just need to pause so I can pat myself on the back in a congratulatory manner. The bad news however is that I have been mainlining every sugar substitute I can manage to fit into my pudgy mouth. Yea that's me all over, more cloud than silver lining. 

First I ate all the coconut sugar which was fun but ultimately I knew it had to end. The trouble with baking all the buns is my propensity to eat all the buns. Even a casual bystander could have told me this was never going to end well. All it took was several times of me being very ill after eating said delicious baked goods before I concluded that perhaps I needed to take a teeny tiny break.

Naturally I took this news like a grown up, accepted there were no more treats for Laura and just got on with things. Oh no wait, I didn't. I turned to Mockolate. It's like chocolate but it's not and I took to nomming on two different kinds one sweetened with stevia which should be okay and another sweetened with xyilitol which I wasn't sure about and ignored it when my stomach started playing up. Ignored my stomach I mean. I Continued eating the chocolate if that's what you want to call it. Now I don't know if you've ever had the pleasure of sampling one of these sugar free delights that grace the counters of health food stores. If not then take my advice and save yourself the bother. The dark chocolate one is okay if you're stuck but the milk one tastes nothing like real chocolate hence why I've taken to calling it mockolate. See I'm funny like that. It in fact tastes like muck or plastic or like nothing delicious at all and the only reason I found myself wolfing it down was because I'd listened to some probably not quite medical theory from a lady in my local health food shop where she said she thought xylitol wouldn't make me sick plus I was tired in a bad way and it was between that and the real chocolate. It seemed like the smarter choice.

Now honestly I don't know if that's why I'm currently waddling around my apartment like violet in charlie and the chocolate factory ( she got turned into a blueberry). I did eat a full bar of it yesterday and I didn't enjoy a single bite. While it's not fun to still be suffering, I would rather than option B which is the little sweeties I have been making using cocoa powder and rice syrup (and a few other healthy things) are making me ill. I might have over indulged a little. Can you blame a girl for getting enthusiastic when she discovers something new to eat. Well you shouldn't . 

I'll start being good soon, I promise. Otherwise you may enjoy watching me waddle by you.


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