It doesn't get much better than this

Last night I crawled into bed with a hot water bottle and what felt like moments later I was getting up to get ready for work. It was in fact a good 5 hours later but if I have learned anything about myself in adulthood it is that I do not cope well when deprived of my full 8 hours, in fact I kind of fall apart. So I stumbled about my apartment getting ready for work and feeling half dead from tiredness, despite all of this, I was feeling buzzed enough from last night's gig that I wanted to get a blog post written and posted before work so apologies if it didn't make a whole lot of sense but I was mostly asleep while writing. By the time I left for work, I was already running late but I made a pit stop for coffee, my first in a month because I figured it was better to a minute later to work and be a functioning human for the day. My other option was to do without coffee and probably be found snoozing under the bargain books table later in the day.

As I ran into work someone remarked that you know it's a bad sign when I am seen with coffee and that I think pretty much summarises my relationship with coffee. That being said I think it was the only thing keeping me going as I zipped about the shop for the day, coping with the hecticness that is a Saturday before Christmas. By the time 5.30 came around, I was sub human, a shell of Laura ( sleep deprivation will do that to me) so while everyone else was buzzing about our work Christmas party, I was daydreaming about all the foods I could eat and my pyjamas. Fortunately, seeing as I am not a fan of dinner dances, I had already decided to give our staff party a miss because I would not have been very much fun with the coffee worn off and the lack of sleep creeping up on me. I had also texted my boyfriend earlier to let him know I wouldn't be accompanying him on his night out ( naturally he was heartbroken but he soldiered on bravely) and started making plans for the cosiest night ever.

I turned on my laptop and threw together some yummy food, I do like to watch a tv show just after dinner and a while later my boyfriend asked how my night in was going so I sent him the picture above so he knew it was going pretty damn good. and for the rest of the night I will remain wrapped in a fluffy blanket burrito style watching tv shows, playing with my phone and reading my book ( not simultaneously as my brain would probably explode) 
and when the couch becomes too much to handle, I will slink off to bed and burrow beneath my covers only to wake many hours later an actual functioning human again. I will practice sympathetic faces in work on Sunday when everyone else is feeling the effects of the previous night's party and I am just feeling the effect of tea and pancakes. For some this might not be the most exciting night ever but it was exactly what the doctor ordered ( in this scenario, I am the doctor)  


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