Is there rehab for sugar addicts ??
I might have mentioned this once or twice before or a lot. It might have up a lot but I have a teeny little issue with sugar or two issues. One is that it makes me really really sick and two is that I can never have just a little bit. I either stay away completely or I go completely mad like completely. But I think I might have reached a low point tonight. On a sugar fuelled rampage that started on Stephens day which has pretty much consisted of ; me nomming all the chocolate, feeling really ill , regretting said binge ,craving more chocolate and so it continues. at the moment malteasers are my poison of choice and trust me given the effect they have on my stomach, poison is the best word to describe it. You know those Share size bags, well that's what I've been buying except I've only been sharing them with myself. I'm not sure If that counts. on some level I know there's something kind of insane about willingly eating lots of something guara...