And they say money can't buy happiness

One of my favorite things to do when I feel a little bit down is to buy myself a present. Now I am not talking about spending half my wage packet on a pair of shoes because I am far too sensible to spend money I'll later need for bills. I know in this day and age being sensible isn't considered a very sexy trait but I feel more secure than more spontaneous friends who are scrabbling to pay their rent while I have my bill money set aside.

For me a cheer me up present is usually small but ever since I was a child I have always been delighted by the smallest of gifts even if they are now purchased by me. I like nothing more than to trawl the shelves of tk maxx looking for cosmetics or notebooks or cute little household gifts like a tea pot or a really nice mug. I am in the market for a really nice tea pot and I know when I find what I'm looking for I'll be pretty excited with my new purchase and then I'll have to pause a moment to wonder if this is a sign I'm getting older. I'm sure the answer is yes and I should just say fuck it and embrace it and then skip home to make lots of cups of lovely tea. Which is usually what I do except no so much of the skipping ( I am a grown woman after  all)

Personally I think an appreciation for the smaller treats in a life is good thing, Just recently on a browsing trip I came home with a really nice notebook that I'm still quite pleased with when I spot it peeking out of my handbag although I might just have more note books than I have things to write at this point in time. And it means that for a small price I can buy myself a little corner of happiness. My apartment is now filled with tiny impulse purchases all intending to lift my mood and if it works sure where's the harm in it. It's not therapy even if people feel inclined to call it so and it's not as powerful as crossfit when it comes to filling me with endorphin's but where's the harm if it gives me a happy little buzz.

It possibly says a lot about me that I don't always enjoy a proper shopping trip where I have a list of things that need to be bought because I get too caught up with finding the right things and don't stop to actually enjoy the whole experience. I get so wrapped up in finding the right shoes or jeans or whatever that I can no longer browse in a leisurely manner. Yet when I'm half broke and browsing I often arrive home with a little unexpected treasure or two like on Sunday when I arrived home with a new t-shirt, shower gel and scented candles. oh yea, I went all out.  You can't underestimate the power of a really good shower gel to cheer you up or perhaps that's just me. So ha, check me out buying myself a little bit of happiness. While the best things in life are free, there are still some pretty nice things you can get with a little money and if that isn't the moral of my story then I don't know what is. 


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