If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all

I'm trying ( and failing ) to practice the mandate of not saying anything when I've nothing nice to say but let's just say It's something I need to work on and truthfully what Comes out is closer to the ecard above. Sarcasm is my comfort zone, my main line of defence, my base line and I really need to break the habit of 
falling back on it.

Today in work we had a popular young adult author in to do a signing. By all means he seems to be a nice enough chap and has quite the adoring fan base but having read a chapter of one of his books a few years ago ( an ex of mine was reading it, we will move swiftly away from the fact that he obviously was reading at the level of your average 13 year old ) and oh my god it actually pained me to read it. To say I did not enjoy it would be understating the matter and I am not one to understate. I did briefly worry that he might ask me if I'd read any of his books at which point I'd be forced to lie. I'm pretty sure management would frown upon me sharing the unvarnished truth With a popular author. The trouble is I'm a terrible liar and will often go red and find my eyes darting everywhere. I find my default lie in these sort of situations is a fairly evasive sentence like I haven't read them but I hear they're very good. Technically that's true as in most cases when I say this I have heard that the particular book is good but usually I've also read enough of it to know I've heard wrong. It seems Lady Luck was on my side today because no such thing was asked of me but then again I guess I'm not really the target audience.

In time I might learn to bite my tongue and for now I think il have to do it literally
to stop myself blurting out the truth and managing to put my foot in it once more. I still find myself struggling to compliment someone on something genuine when I can't think of a thing I actually like about them and sometimes you have nice taste in clothes or you have a delicious looking lunch doesn't quite cut it.

I'll keep on working a being me but nicer and try my hardest to reel my sarcasm in a little but I'd appreciate it If people didn't call me out when my flimsy attempts to give a heartfelt compliment fall through 


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