For a smart girl I sure do make some stupid decisions

Okay so you know that feeling you get in your gut that tells you something bad is going to happen or this is not the right apartment for you or that guy is not who you are looking for. You do? Great. 
Well do you know when you ignore that gut feeling and go to that place, rent that apartment, date that guy and much later down the line when it all goes to shit you remember that bad feeling you had in the 
beginning. If you do understand where 
I'm coming from and maybe are even a little guilty of it yourself then yay, I like you and we should be friends. However if you 
Are scratching your head and wondering why someone would behave in such an illogical manner then maybe you should go be perfect somewhere else. I jest, sure read on if you want to.

So far this ignoring that feeling has taken me on some really interesting turns. it has steered me into more than one disastrous relationship and more recently I found myself going on a string of dates with a guy that I'd known wasn't for me after date one wasn't for me. I'd been so sure of this fact that I told one of my friends that right after the date and yet somehow ended up seeing him again and again until someone pulled me aside and pointed out that I didn't really like him. An excellent point, I might add, and so I cut my ties. No one got hurt and I didn't end up in a relationship that was doomed to fail so a win all round. 

It's also the reason I'm stuck in this stinky , dark apartment for the best part of a year. well that and the fact that I'd panicked about the fact that I was having 
to commute from Clonmel every day and I wanted somewhere soon and it kind of blinded me to the fact that my gut feeling about the place was not good at all. mind 
You, ignoring my gut was a good part of the reason I ended up in the house share from hell just before I moved out on my own. 

So now I'm turning over a new leaf and it's going to be so much better than all the other times I've turned over a new leaf. I'm going to start listening to my gut because it turns out it has a lot more to say than 'I'm hungry' or 'noooo don't eat that' and maybe I'll start living a life that's a little less disastrous. Who knows what il  blog about then 


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