Is it too late to rewrite my new years resolutions?

I'm not even sure that I made any new years resolutions prior to the new year. I may have made some vague plans and had notions of changing my life or my lifestyle but I didn't follow through. I think that's the thing with new years resolutions though, no one actually keeps them so we enter into this contract with ourselves knowing that in all likelihood it will be broken and this allows us the freedom to be as ambitious as we'd like. 

Now I know it's a bit late in the year to be adding things to my list especially given that I'm not quite certain there ever was a list to begin with but I won't let that stop me. I realized recently that I have become so introverted that if it wasn't for work I'd be in danger of becoming a hermit. I leave work feeling tired and hungry and usually curl up on my couch reading or on my laptop until I cook dinner and then spend the rest of the evening in my own little bubble reading or catching up on shows I've downloaded. Sure it's relaxing but it's gotten to the point where I'm actively enjoying being anti social.

So here's goes it. Now this is hardly change the world kind of stuff , unless you count the little world that I currently inhabit but from now on I am going to try and get out more. Now I don't mean out drinking or at least not very often. I am not looking to revisit my college days, I have put them behind me and grown up a little. I just mean actually leaving the apartment even for just an hour to go for a walk or a run or just out to interact with other people. My book will be waiting for me when I get home.

I'm finding that no matter how reluctant I am to get out of the house in the first place I always feel better than the nights I've spent curled up on my couch. So maybe it's not the new years resolution that will matter to anyone but me but I have a feeling it's one I might actually end up keeping, at least while the good weather lasts. 


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