on suppressing my inner couch potato
This week I wont be making it to the gym as I'm using my days off to go to Dublin. My dislike for going to Dublin has gotten so bad that Its been a whole year since the last time I went to stay with my sister. Now the downside of this aside from the three hour bus journey I have awaiting me is that to avoid turning into a giant lump over the next week I actually have to motivate myself out of bed and into completing a full workout at least a few days a week.
I want to get fitter and skinnier, I really do but when it comes down to it, sometimes I want to lie on my couch eating an entire jar of almond butter more. I find I go to bed with the best of intentions. A reasonable workout is written out where I'll see it first thing and my workout clothes are already laid out, my water bottle is full and my kettle-bells are waiting but then my alarm goes off and I wake crankily (is there any other way?) and find myself debating resetting the alarm and just curling up under my duvet or should I peel myself out of bed and workout until I'm alert enough to not knock myself unconscious with the kettle-bell (it has yet to happen but if anyone could do it, it would be me).
Many mornings I promise myself I'll really work up a sweat before my morning shower, in fact I have done this enough to know I am a big fat liar. Really I need an alarm programmed with my coach's voice (either my sister or her husband) so I'll feel like I'm actually in the gym and not tell myself I'll do it later or I'll have more time after work, which ever lie suits me best. This morning I did actually manage to get up and do a 20 minute workout which is an achievement given my overall reluctance to anything bar lolling around in bed delaying getting ready for work.
And the tricky part is tomorrow I have to do it again and a few more times this week all while trying not to eat all the almond butter. Seeing as I'm back on a sugar detox it's about all I have left and hopefully I wont die on my first day back at the gym next week or at least I wont die quite as much.
I want to get fitter and skinnier, I really do but when it comes down to it, sometimes I want to lie on my couch eating an entire jar of almond butter more. I find I go to bed with the best of intentions. A reasonable workout is written out where I'll see it first thing and my workout clothes are already laid out, my water bottle is full and my kettle-bells are waiting but then my alarm goes off and I wake crankily (is there any other way?) and find myself debating resetting the alarm and just curling up under my duvet or should I peel myself out of bed and workout until I'm alert enough to not knock myself unconscious with the kettle-bell (it has yet to happen but if anyone could do it, it would be me).
Many mornings I promise myself I'll really work up a sweat before my morning shower, in fact I have done this enough to know I am a big fat liar. Really I need an alarm programmed with my coach's voice (either my sister or her husband) so I'll feel like I'm actually in the gym and not tell myself I'll do it later or I'll have more time after work, which ever lie suits me best. This morning I did actually manage to get up and do a 20 minute workout which is an achievement given my overall reluctance to anything bar lolling around in bed delaying getting ready for work.
And the tricky part is tomorrow I have to do it again and a few more times this week all while trying not to eat all the almond butter. Seeing as I'm back on a sugar detox it's about all I have left and hopefully I wont die on my first day back at the gym next week or at least I wont die quite as much.
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