me me me !
It's weird how living alone as a single person starts to shape you into someone who is inherently selfish with their time and space and how reluctant you feel about making any changes to the status quo. I've had a double bed to myself for two years now and I can't see myself being willing to share any of it any time soon. Maybe I want to sleep in a star shape, dammit and if that's the case there's room to do it without falling out of bed or having my limbs dangling precariously over the edge. Even I wanted to sleep width ways across the bed there's still room although I'm not quite sure why I'd want to do that. I don't know if that's because my bed is so big or I'm so very short but I suspect it's a little of column a and a little of column b. After a time you get used to organizing your home in a certain way, even if the organization is not apparent to the untrained eye and become comfortable in your own silence and the thought of e...