can women get man-flu?

I'm feeling pretty sick and sorry for myself as I've been sniffling my way through the last three days. I know I don't actually have the flu because I've been able to get up and go to work. When I worked in Boots a few years back the pharmacist there told us that if someone comes in claiming to have the flu then they don't because if they had the flu they wouldn't actually be able to get out of bed. This leads me to conclude that I might have the man flu or in laymans terms the common cold.

As I have asserted before I truly make a terrible patient. I feel very sorry for myself whenever I am even a little bit unwell. It's probably lucky I can't day sick days at my leisure or I'd have probably have spent two of the last three days in bed recovering. Mind you, had I done that for even I day I might be a little better than I am now.

I'm cold and my nose is running like a tap which means I am the woman with an endless supply of tissues. It's ever so attractive and not to mention my glowing red nose and the semi permanent facial expression which suggests I am just about to sneeze. I luckily have not been put on the chocolate counter during this time as I can only imagine no one wants chocolates from someone who looks like a walking germ.

In the absence of vaseline, I'm certain someone told me that neutrogena hand cream works well on sore noses but I must have misunderstood because last night when I applied it before bed it burned like a mother ucka (swear word courtesy of flight of the concordes) and I jumped around in pain for a few seconds before wiping it off with one of my many tissues. 

I have been taking the odd painkiller and dosing myself with oil of oregano which appears to be working but just not fast enough for my liking. To be fair my liking is that it would work immediately which is probably somewhat unrealistic all things being considered. Hopefully tomorrow I will wake tomorrow a new, unsnotty woman and all will be well in the world again.


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