Romantic comedies and unrealistic expectations
Recently I saw a film that was most definitely not a romantic comedy but it made a rather interesting comparison to those sort of films and porn. Before you spit out your tea in disgust just give me a quick moment to explain. What the movie was saying is that porn gives me unrealistic expectations about what women look like, how they behave mostly when it comes to sex while romantic comedies create these men who don't exist and are only 'perfect' because they were written that way. In either case you are setting yourself up from a fall.
Fortunately for me my cynical nature usually takes over so i am more inclined to feel a tad nauseous than swoon at how the leading man is portrayed. Okay maybe sometimes I get just a weency bit fluttery watching a pre packaged love story but I still keep one foot firmly esconced in reality so there's no danger of me getting carried away. I actually refused to watch the notebook on principal and I don't think I am missing out as it is well known fact that Nicholas sparks is responsible for some truly awful tripe and I have no doubt that the movie is every bit as godawful as his terrible terrible books (not that I'd stoop to reading them but sometimes you just know)
I am the type to ask too many questions to every really get swept away. I find holes in the plot and flaws in the characters and I'm usually left with a nagging sense of disatisfaction and it all adds up to mean I don't buy into this romancy showmancy stuff quite on the same level as some women. I don't think believing in men like the love interests in the movies does anyone any good. You'll know these women when you meet them because they will tell you that real man will do this or say that and I can't help wondering what is this based on. Having met enough actual real life men I can say I have no such fluffy notions and at most I am willing to concede that they are not all assholes. Now hows that for romance.
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