Did you ever ....

Laura is having one of those days where her brain won't brain and coherent sentences are a struggle. I was going to try and continue this blog post in the third person for a change but I'm only a sentence in and I'm already really annoying myself. I'm already on my fourth attempt at updating my blog but have had to hastily abandon ship when I realize I'm writing utter nonsense. It may be only lunch time but I can tell you now that today will not be a productive day for me.

I am always trying to find something new and interesting and a little bit different to my blog posts about and some days it's a bit of a struggle particularly when I can't even think in full sentences, yea that kind of tired where you feel really bummed out for no reason. That's me today. So how do you keep people reading when you have nothing new to say or at least nothing new that you are willing to blog about ? I'm sure there are other ways but today I am blogging about this in the hope that people will sift through this mind vomit in search of the small nuggets of intelligence.

In writing I find it hard sometimes to hold part of myself back because sitting behind a laptop writing gives you a certain sense of freedom and allows you to feel almost anonymous until you remember you share every blog post on your personal facebook account so It's like there's every going to be a debate about who bookshoplaura really is. Gossip girl I am not. Cranky, sleepy girl would be more like it. It seems unlikely I'll get my own tv show with that to  recommend me.

I'm having the sort of day that calls for almond butter and a nap as the only possible fixes which does not bode well for the other things I should be doing. And yet I'm having a hard time actually caring about that. I'll just spend the rest of my Saturday explaining that normally I really am smarter than this, it's just today I can't brain, I has the dumb. 


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