Everyone is entitled to one bad day

It's not so much that today has been a terrible today because it hasn't been particularly so but I have been extraordinarily cranky all day long. Really it should have been great because it was Monday and I wasn't in work, right so surely that's awesome in itself but for some reason it wasn't and I have grumbled and grouched my way through this Monday until it was time for bed. 

It could be because I got to bed late and woke up all groggy which seems to be my thing these days. Or because I went looking online for some information I needed to move my life forward but found nothing of any use except the nagging sense that information was somewhere on this world wide web and I just couldn't find it. Or perhaps it all comes down to hormones as I was once again surprised by my period arriving yesterday like the world's worst uninvited guest, leaving me sore and cantankerous and off chocolate. Maybe that's enough in itself to have me fuming with barely suppressed anger.

Whatever the cause I let it invade my day off and retrospect tells me I probably shouldn't have but I have never let something like common sense stop me before. Not that I'm irrational at all at times like this. I got especially angry today in superquinn while accompanying my boyfriend, food shopping, because I got really hungry and then remembered I'm easing fruit out of my diet for this 8 week detox plus I can't have sugar or sweetners so I had a bit of 'I can't fucking eat anything' meltdown. It wasn't pretty. Okay so it wasn't that bad, I didn't throw myself on the ground, or kick anything or cry but I might have whinged a bit ( in an attractive fashion) and then got over it. 

As the day comes to an end I am still cranky, grumpy, cantankerous etc. And I accept this may have led me to not make the most of a day off but it's okay because I really wasn't supposed to be off today anyway and I will do better things with my days off yet to come, I promise. For now though I am taking to my bed with a hot water bottle and a book and the vague hope  that tomorrow I'll be back to normal.


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