Not buying into it

(Possibly my favourite card for if you're sort of seeing someone ) 

I've made no secret of the fact that valentines day is one of those 'holidays' that I don't really buy into. I don't really see the point to be honest . I do like getting a card or I should rephrase that given that on the previous occasions that I've been dating someone around valentines they haven't really bothered to make an effort so I haven't ever received a valentines card from a boyfriend. So I guess I think I'd like to get a card for valentines day provided it wasn't too slushy. once a guy I was dating panicked when I handed him a card I'd gotten him and he hastily scrawled happy v day on a bar menu because he couldn't spell valentines day ( that should have been a sign it was doomed really) and I don't believe that counts. 

Beyond a card I'm not overly pushed about the whole thing. So long as my boyfriend didn't decide to sessioning on the evening in question I wouldn't really expect much else but to be fair even if a fancy meal out was my thing ( it really isn't ) it's worth remembering I am probably one of the most difficult people to feed right now.

Anyway the shop is startling to fill up with valentines day paraphernalia ; the rows of cards, the mountains of chocolate, the giant but utterly pointless teddy bears. I'm sorry but come on now, what woman in her right mind wants an oversized teddy that costs €50 or upwards. I know for a fact that I don't nor any of the other ridiculous stuff the general public seems to lap up like the suckers that they are. There's decorative hearts and photo frames and ... Okay so I don't really know what else because I haven't actually taken the time to have a proper look. I can say fairly comfortably ( despite only having a brief look at the merchandise ) that my absolute least favourite thing of all is this photo frame which says ' luv u 4 Eva' it hurt my little grammar nazi soul just to write that, it upsets me on so many levels. 

I know it's all a bit of a scam but to be fair so do most of the people who get completely wrapped up in the notion that they need to go all out on this one day or that their partner needs to. I won't be throwing a hissy fit if i don't get some ridiculous gift I probably didn't want in the first place. Personally I'd rather my boyfriend be romantic, considerate and generous on regular days of the year instead of going all out on this day a year
. So far he's doing a pretty good job but don't tell him I said so 


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