A womans guide to self improvement
I know it's a little late ( or early ) in the year to be making new resolutions so with that in mind, I shall call mine something else. Whatever way you want to phrase it, I am coming up to the end of January and I have realised some changes are needed. I am still feeling more tired than I reasonably should be at any time of day or night, you might say I've been feeling sluggish, like a slug.
I also made a very foolish mistake yesterday at the gym. They have just invested in a new weighing scales because several of the guys training there are trying to build some muscle and they wanted a way to monitor if their weight had gone up. On some level, I am glad that as a woman the gym will not require me to gain weight because after so long of trying to manage my calorie intake, I am not sure my brain could take it. Anyway, I , being rather silly, decided I may as well see what I weighed. Sure I hadn't checked in a few months and it would be good to see where I was it. Ah never has an idea been regretted more. I am up almost a stone since the last time I checked. eek.
So that was a reality check if I ever needed one.
So here's the resolutions, starting from today. I will firstly start using myfitnesspal app again because if nothing else I clearly need to monitor my intake. Plus my sister was only giving out to me recently for subsiding on such a protein deficient diet and this will help me monitor that too. Mostly though it's a way to keep myself in check because it's very easy to completely lose the run of yourself if you don't. I haven't used the app since July (I know this because it tells me when I log in like some sort of guilt trip) but I am resolving to make it my new best friend and hopefully it will help prevent much unneeded snacking.
Secondly I am going to walk more. Walking will be my new thing. Not so much for the exercise because I still have crossfit but after a long winter indoors I really need to get more active and get outdoors more. I am hoping this will give me more energy plus clear my head because honestly, I tried to do some mindfulness meditation last night and I think I lasted 7 mins into the 41 before I got annoyed. He had only just relaxed my toes and that took 7 minutes. Who has time to relax like that, not me. Ah yes I know that's somewhat Ironic but it was intended. I am so committed to this idea that I walked to my boyfriends place last night and I felt great for it. I felt considerably less committed to the idea at 6.40 this morning when I was heading home to get ready for work.
Thirdly, I am going to drink more green tea. Green tea is going to be my new favourite tea, I will learn to love it or at least lie to myself so I can feel suitably convinced I do. It's full of anti oxidants and it's supposed to give you energy. I am already on my second cup of green tea and ginseng for the day. I didn't get enough sleep last night so I am hoping it will be sufficient to prop me up. It's not bad as teas go and It seems to have a little kick to it, on day one and already feeling optimistic.
Fourthly ( is that even a word, let's just call it resolution no 4) I am going to eat more seeds. I have been putting ground seeds into my porridge but I have bags of the stuff in my cupboards and I feel they would be better at giving me energy if I did more than look at them from time to time. I did however, put my breakfast into my fitness pal and then panic about calorific intake from headed tablespoons of seeds added to porridge, so maybe less seeds in porridge, for sure. Stop being such a savage Laura
No 5, and someone is probably going to have to get on my back about this one, to ensure I actually follow it through. I am going to start eating fish again. Nom nom fish, okay so I will go into this one unwillingly but I will have fish at least once a week and not whinge like a baby about how fishy it tastes. I need the variety and goddammit I need the protein so this will be a good thing, right ?
and finally, (drum roll please) I am going to start cooking new things. Last night, feeling ever so industrious, I took down some recipes from my I quit sugar book, and I have resolved to make at least one thing from it a week. This week I am going to make kale chips, bacon cupcakes for himself and at least one sweet treat for me. I'll keep you posted. Hopefully blogging it here will keep me honest, you know, on the straight and narrow and next month I'll be a skinnier, more energetic version of myself
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