a year of blogging
I have been writing this blog for almost a year now. I started it on the 20th of January last year. Yikes and to think I started the whole thing because I was looking for ways to be more creative but I also wanted to write a blog and had no idea where to start. So I set myself a challenge for thirty days where I would write a blog post everyday on some. thing rather than waiting for something to happen and then blogging about it. Obviously it's had it's ups and downs and some posts are better than others. Apologies if you had the misfortune to stumble upon my blog on a day where I was basically writing gibberish. I guess on many levels this whole thing is more for me than the people who actually read it. Not that it isn't nice to have people read my blog voluntarily. I'm pretty certain none of them are coerced although I'd hate to be presumptuous on this matter.
The trouble from here on is to try not to repeat myself too much because I now officially have too many blog posts to check back over on a regular basis and I have a head like sieve. I think the best I can hope for is that when I do foolishly write a post on an issue I've already covered that no one who's read the first post will read the second. Maybe at some point I will run out of things to blog about full stop and this whole endeavour will come to a spluttering halt but so far that doesn't seem to be a problem. The world keeps on turning and I keep thinking of something to say even if it's not really worth saying.
So far I've covered ; my work life, my social life or lack thereof, my relationship history, my diet and health and food weirdness, christmas themed posts, summer themed posts, books and movies and oh God about a million different things as they fall out of my head unfiltered and onto my blog. For better or worse I err on the side of honesty preferring omission to straight out lying. And there will be more of the same or something totally different in this coming year but the truth is I don't know what my future will bring and I only blog about my life as it has happened and this year hasn't happened yet. Not that I think my future is teeming with wonderful possibilities or anything but I do take some comfort in the knowledge that if it is a big fat disaster then at least it gives me something to blog about.
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