Lazy like Sunday morning

Sundays are those rare days that when I'm off I don't usually have anywhere I need to be and I don't have the option of going home to the gym so It's day to whatever I like with and that usually seems to translate to as little as humanly possible. It's day of rest, isn't it?
This Sunday I managed to outdo myself spectacularly on the laziness front although it was mostly unintentional.

It's my first one off since Christmas and I had committed to going for a walk in the mountains, as you do. Personally I would have preferred to have waited another month or two until it got a little warmer as I am well known for being a perisher but I thought it might be good to get outdoors because I was only complaining recently that this stupid winter weather has me inside far more than I'd care to be. In case you're wondering what happened to that plan, I would suggest you take a look outside, Unless you are not living in Ireland because if you're not looking out to the grey miserable day that I can see from here then you might be questioning the logic of my excuse. Yes it is again raining and windy and pretty much not the sort of day you would find yourself outdoors voluntarily. 

Plus I didn't get enough sleep last night which many would be aware renders me fairly useless the next day. Mostly because I stayed up late to watch a movie with the boyfriend. The secret life of walter mitty, in case you were wondering. There are ways and means of sourcing this stuff online if you know how and if you haven't seen it yet then prepare to be disappointed. There's barely any correlation between the movie and the book mostly because they Hollywooded the fuck out of it and you're left with a mildly entertaining film.
The other reason for my sleeplessness was a diet experiment where I thought I might be okay to eat full fat cheese based on something I'd read and it seems I was incorrect in this assumption but you can consider my lesson well and truly learned. 

Anyway the upshot of all this is that I had crummy nights sleep and woke at 9.30 with a headache, hair that looked like it had been actually dragged through a bush and a face that would frighten horses. But I was feeling so crabby and crappy that it was 12 before I even got up to go home and shower,eat etc. By that stage all I wanted to do was lie somewhere in a ball and have someone feed me yummy treats. 

Instead I drove home to wash and feed myself and now resemble actual human being albeit human being who is blogging from bed in her pyjamas. Hush now, I'm getting up shortly in search of noms and to go watch the Wolf of wall street. See, its a totally productive Sunday 


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