Drunk dialling
I'm not saying everything I've done and then regretted started with a glass of something but I probably wouldn't be far wrong.
If there's one way technology has not enhanced our lives it would be its capacity to allow us to do stupid things while drunk. Now I know I got my first mobile at 18 so I don't have much basis for comparison but I did drink before I turned 18 and I can say I didn't get myself into half as much trouble With only
A house phone.
I think everyone knows the dreaded feeling because they texted or rang Someone they really really shouldn't have under the influence. I have woken far too many times hungover, waiting for the room to stop spinning as I half squint at my phone checking I did nothing stupid. Always a win to find nothing suspicious in
My call log.
Unfortunately drunk Laura is after getting smarter( its probably for the best I don't allow her out much) and has known to delete the texts I might wake to regret when sober but that leaves me With the worst feeling of all. waking with the very strong suspicion that you sent a text you shouldn't but not a notion as to what you
Might have said.
The more technology advances the more
Potential for drunken disasters. Already we have the capacity to text, email, upload photos and access Facebook all from our phones. Which means you no longer get to look through the photos sneakily deleting all the ones where you look like a hot mess but instead have to
Trawl through your Facebook feed looking for unwanted photos detailing the nights exploits and then quickly untag yourself / send your friend a message begging them to take that photo down and pray no one has seen you looking like a fat traveller on the town.
Now I have done many silly things on a night out and have occasionally mistrusted my drunken self to the extent where I have deleted the number I am absolutely not, under any circumstances, going to text but then ( because my self destructive capacity knows no bounds) I will occasionally ( and yes, god help
Me I've done this more than once) go through my online phone bill and find the number and text it anyway!
Although that's not the worst thing I've done. Once while drunk ( obviously) I
Came home from a night out and decided I really liked a guy we had been out with but didn't have his number so decided the best plan of action was to Facebook a mutual friend from my friends account and ask him for his friends number. I did this while my friend was In the bathroom because she had told me not to and that it was a really bad idea. Yea and she was right, oh how I cringed the next day.
So it's probably for the best drunk Laura gets so few outings. Even If I have grown up a bit over the last few years
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