Dance movies are my guilty pleasure
Dance movies are my guilty pleasure, well they are my other guilty pleasure seeing as copious amounts of chocolate, trashy tv and the odd chick lit novel also fall into these categories. I think the key message here is that I need to deal with my guilt issues.
So here's the thing, I actually consider myself to be a woman of reasonable intelligence. I have a degree; I can hold an intelligent conversation, I enjoy literary fiction and even though most people find it pretentious I genuinely enjoy world cinema but allow me to watch five minutes of any film ( and I mean any film !) that contains a significant amount of dancing and you'll find I'm hooked. If it's got dancing in it then I've watched it, loved it and wished the girl was me. I can no longer count the amount of times I have been known to proclaim 'I want to be a dancer !' conveniently forgetting my complete lack of rhythm and coordination.
I have watched dirty dancing many times over and also dirty dancing two 'havana nights' which many of my friends scoffed at especially when I announced that I actually prefer it to the original. I would like to point out that none of my scoffing friends have actually watched the movie so convinced are they in their rightness when it concerns matters of the dirty dancing franchise. Well in Havana nights Diego Luna plays the male lead yum yum and the dancing is can't take your eyes away good. All I'm saying is watch it first and then make your judgement calls. I have watched three of the step up movies, the street dance movie and save the last dance and several other terrible mishaps that really seemed like they might be promising (by promising I mean that they contained dancing ) but turned out to be pretty painful to watch.
When I read that Channing Tatum married his co star from the first step up movie I was actually kind of gutted because I remember lusting over him when that first came out and then the three or four times that I've watched the movie since and a little part of me thought that it should have been me. That little part of me is clearly in denial about the fact that I am clearly never going to be a professional dancer or actor. Then I read that their wedding had been fairy themed and I felt better because chances are this very hot man who can really really dance and also 'loves fairies' is not going to be married to a woman much longer so at least this way it saves me the the devastation I would have inevitably faced when he left me to be with another man ( I might have given this a little thought)
So I will go about my life masquerading as a smart individual who's keeping it all together but I know if it's watching another dance movie (step up 4 anyone?) or rewatching one of my favourites then part of me is going to be screaming I want to be a dancer and looking fancifully at the rain outside thinking I could probably recreate that scene from step up 2 (although I haven't actually tried, I'm pretty sure I couldn't)
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