Isn;t it funny
Six Years ago when I was in my first year in college I lived with a girl who was studying Health and fitness and that ate a lot of salads and I genuinely thought it was a bit sad that she had never eaten malteasers with popcorn or called eating a
Small handful of sweets pigging out.
But that's hardly surprising considering how much of my diet was made up of crap food back then. Now I won't say I was happy but I sure as hell wasn't ready to change. My family were consistent in voicing their concern for my diet and my health and just to clear, I was fat. A size 14 possibly verging on 16 and I've a small frame so I didn't wear it well but I wouldn't say that or my poor diet really warranted the level of concern it seemed to have provoked amongst family members . And all in all it was counter productive because it all served to make me feel worse about myself and I ate bad food to smother the bad feelings which never made me feel any better.
The funny thing is now that I've come a long way in diet and overall health it doesn't feel like as many people Are cheering me on. Now perhaps I'm imagining it but it seems to me that the general consensus is that you are supposed to lose some weight, get a little bit healthier and then stop there before you start to make people feel bad for their lifestyle choices. It's like asking someone who's continually happy to tone it down
As its infringing on your misery.
As I see it if I'm eating better and exercising more the overall purpose of this is to get in better shape and feel better and it has worked to an extent. The main point is that I'm doing all this for me and when other people see my lifestyle as a judgement on their own then it's mostly speaking for their own Insecurities then any conscious behaviour on my part.
When I'm sitting down to eat salad or fruit on my break and most people are eating other less healthy foods I feel very conspicuous and then someone will say 'oh you're so healthy' and it ends up sounding more like an accusation than an observation.
As a fussy vegetarian I am used to people asking me all sorts of questions about my diet and eating habits but I've found since I've started cutting out more of the bad foods and including some better substitutes the tone in which people ask me has changed. I get asked questions that seem to come from a place of morbid fascination, as if they want to know what there's left to eat when you eliminate all the stuff most people eat by the truckload . I find that they look at me like I'm mad and then they dramatically understate. their own indulgences as though you might give out to them.
In way it's funny but in another it's not funny at all
Small handful of sweets pigging out.
But that's hardly surprising considering how much of my diet was made up of crap food back then. Now I won't say I was happy but I sure as hell wasn't ready to change. My family were consistent in voicing their concern for my diet and my health and just to clear, I was fat. A size 14 possibly verging on 16 and I've a small frame so I didn't wear it well but I wouldn't say that or my poor diet really warranted the level of concern it seemed to have provoked amongst family members . And all in all it was counter productive because it all served to make me feel worse about myself and I ate bad food to smother the bad feelings which never made me feel any better.
The funny thing is now that I've come a long way in diet and overall health it doesn't feel like as many people Are cheering me on. Now perhaps I'm imagining it but it seems to me that the general consensus is that you are supposed to lose some weight, get a little bit healthier and then stop there before you start to make people feel bad for their lifestyle choices. It's like asking someone who's continually happy to tone it down
As its infringing on your misery.
As I see it if I'm eating better and exercising more the overall purpose of this is to get in better shape and feel better and it has worked to an extent. The main point is that I'm doing all this for me and when other people see my lifestyle as a judgement on their own then it's mostly speaking for their own Insecurities then any conscious behaviour on my part.
When I'm sitting down to eat salad or fruit on my break and most people are eating other less healthy foods I feel very conspicuous and then someone will say 'oh you're so healthy' and it ends up sounding more like an accusation than an observation.
As a fussy vegetarian I am used to people asking me all sorts of questions about my diet and eating habits but I've found since I've started cutting out more of the bad foods and including some better substitutes the tone in which people ask me has changed. I get asked questions that seem to come from a place of morbid fascination, as if they want to know what there's left to eat when you eliminate all the stuff most people eat by the truckload . I find that they look at me like I'm mad and then they dramatically understate. their own indulgences as though you might give out to them.
In way it's funny but in another it's not funny at all
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