When your body starts revolting.

I have realised recently that I am now the kind of healthy that means I can no longer eat junk food like I used to (not that I want to or anything). The option Is no longer there for me. It's almost as if after years of semi neglect I've retrained my body to expect to be fed properly and now it refuses to settle for anything less.

I don't mean this in the sense that I've gone all totalitarian on my diet because I've become that consumed with calorie counting but more that when I eat badly ( snacking instead of eating a proper meal for example) I almost immediately feel the effect. I'll feel sick and tired and sluggish and depending on how badly I've misbehaved I might feel actual pain.

This can be looked at in one of two ways . A lot of people will opt for the first way, particularly if they are prone to eating all the foods I now abstain from, and that is to go ' oh god, how horrible!' And then proceed to give me a pitying look as I'd they can't imagine how they would survive as me.

I , however have chosen to look at it another way and that is that I need to listen to my body more. This is my body's way of saying its not happy with what I'm eating, my stress levels or the amount of sleep I've been getting. And the truth is that this protest has always been going on in the background but it was muted against the noise of the unhealthy life I've been living. Now for the first time in my life I've actually slowed down enough to be able to think what is best for my body and in this stillness I hear as though it is screaming. Now I know it's time to hit a reset and ignore the bad food week gone by to focus on doing more of what's good for me and listening to my body.
I know now when to slow down, what not to eat, when I've had too much and when I need a rest.

Provided I take time to listen this doesn't need to be a restrictive life filled with lists of things I can't eat but just a push in the right direction, something to keep me on track and let's face it with my level
Of restraint It's badly needed


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