Will Grayson will Grayson a review

Will Grayson, will Grayson - John green
Blurb"one cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, two strangers cross paths . Two teens with the same name running in very different circles, suddenly find their lives going in new and unexpected directions, culminating in heroic turns-of-heart and the most epic musical ever to grace the high-school stage"

this book is about two boys called will Grayson who lead very different lives but its also an exploration of what it's like to be lonely as a teenager and the difficult of. Fitting in. one will Grayson is a gay teenager who hasn't come out yet and that falls in love with a boy he has only talked to online and the other spends his whole life keeping his head down and his mouth shut so as not to draw attention to himself but with larger than life, very camp tiny cooper as a best friend that's next to impossible. There's something about the way John green writes his characters that draws you in, they are never the regular popular kids and their lives are flawed. I think that's what makes them so relatable . In other books I have felt I might want to be a character but in his books I often feel I am the teenager he describes or that I was and Its like someone is speaking to that tiny insecure part of your mind ( or maybe not so tiny) that tells you you're not good enough and it's saying you are not alone in your experience.

That's what I took away from this boo and I'm a little sad that I've not read everything he's written so far And I have to return to being an adult once more


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