Dear Grazia...please stop insulting my intelligence

this is not a rant. Well not really.
I was reading Grazia this evening as my mum had bought it. I've long given up buying them myself because I feel they are a complete waste of money and I've better things to be spending mine on like almond butter or booja booja.

Anyway Grazia likes to do a thing where they break down what they think the most important stories of the week are into a top ten and it usually features some celebrity fluff like perez hilton ( gossip columnist) adopting a baby and a few fashion type pieces like how daisies on stuff is very trendy or how we should all be wearing shiny boots. ( one of those is a real feature) and then to spice it up they will throw in something real like this week its about Libyan women in an extremist feminist group who risk their lives ( by flashing their boobs at protests with confrontational statements written on them), as you do like. Which is then followed by a piece on Nicole Kidman almost quitting acting and frankly it's a little insulting.

It sometimes seems like women's magazines start out assuming you are an idiot and there is a vapidness to the issues they cover but when you sandwich this weeks latest nail color, one actually interesting news story and some celebrity tidbit it somehow manages to both insult women and the people the news story is about. It says that whatever the issue they are discussing is really only worth two minutes of your time and now look at these shoes you could never afford.

I don't mean to attack just the one magazine because it's not the only culprit, there are many more out there doing the exact same thing in a similar format.
I often find if I'm feeling down I don't want to read women's magazines because they somehow manage to highlight all my insecurities. Here's an article that tells me I'm too fat and another the following week that tells me I should really have more curves. Or maybe they are not saying it directly but there are photo shoots and advertisements on every other page taunting me with the body I cannot have.
They are telling me I should be settled down now or sometimes how fantastic it is to be single followed by tips on how to meet the right man, they are telling me I should be doing more in my career but not really giving me any concrete advice on how to do so. They are telling me that my sex life needs to be more exciting, which is probably true when currently it doesn't exist and other times less so and has me thinking is that something I even want to do because I wasn't aware that such trends even existed.

So I'm just saying I'm more intelligent than women's magazines give me credit for and I'm fairly certain I'm not alone here. Would it really hurt them to dumb it down a little less and see us for the thinking women we really are. I suppose nothings likely to change while these magazines are still selling in the millions. We'll preach feminism in the media and then proceed to read articles on how to be the sexiest feminist in the right fashionable skirt with the perfect shade of lipstick and have the kind of sex that will stop your man getting bored. But don't worry they also have articles on how to tell if he's cheating just in case you don't get quite get
it right and he strays.

This is why for now I'll be putting down the magazines and picking up a book.


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